Note: Since sessions are in Slovenian, some notes might be in Slovenian
Session 28: 4. 10. 2019
(Session where party meets St. Meles for the first time and gets hired by King)
27 - 4. 10. 2019
(Session where party attempts to retrieve green cube from Muertes Island)
26 - 13. 9. 2019
(Session where party fights soviets)
25 - 6. 9. 2019
(Session where party retrieves the Falcon Warhammer from Iron Bank)
- Cloud Harbor’s main cleric claims Neuromicon is an unique book that got stolen from him yesterday.
2. 8. 2019
27. 7. 2019
(Session where party frees clerics in Kor’a’fel’s temple from mind control)
- Dark spellcaster that was controlling the clerics left behind Neuromicon - black book that contains dark spells.
8. 3. 2019
(Second session on radioactive island where Severiss passes away)
22. 2. 2019
(Session on radioactive island)
- Images on the wall
- Tri risbe
- Črna kača, iz nje ven pušcica proti drugi risbi
- Skica človeške glave. Oči glave so čisto črne
- Prerez človeške glave. Na sredini, kjer bi morali biti možgani, je samo črna kača.
- En kup črnih kač narisanih, iz vseh njih gre puščica, ki se nato združi v eno veliko puščico. Ta velika puščica kaže na veliko rjavo pošast (najbolj spominja na blob monster)
- Rjava pošast narisana, poleg je narisan sword prečrtan, puščica prečrtana, hamer prečrtan.
- Rjava pošast narisana, poleg so narisani valovi in zraven zelena kljukica, potem pa je narisana rumena oblika (izgleda kot otok) in rdeči X zraven
- Rjava pošast narisana, iz nje gredo lovke, vsaka lovka drži polovico ladje
- Črna kača z belo piko (kao oka) + This image = črna kača z belim X namesto oke
1. 2. 2019
(Session after Ivan’s fight when heroes find Ivan’s secret room and destroy Xenophilious stone)
- [Pepi’s letter](Pepi’s letter.txt)
- Redmoore had flyers asking for more info on these people or people that know them:
- Human named Plimorn
- Human named Konzu
- Half-Orc named Kinimod
- Dwarf named Rogar
- Flyers ask for info to be delivered to the red house on the north-east road out of the city
- Flyers promise good reward for the info
- Inn at the north east part of the city is full of evil people (but bartender is good)
- Town Guards received an order from higher-up to not do anything about the flyers
- Popi is from Redmoore, nobody has heard of him and he orders around his subordinates with iron fist.
11. 1. 2019
(Session with mountain climbing and exploring of Deepwood mountain temple)
- Branjimir still has white shards collected in the temple
- Illustrations in the temple:
- Humanoid creature in the center of the image (illustration is very crude, barely above stick figure level. Race cannot be determined from the image, except the fact that figure is taller than average dwarf or halfling) smiling mischievously. Around him skeletons are bowing to him
- Xenophilious stone on the left. There are red squigly lines coming off the stone to the humanoid figure that is covering its eyes, experiencing pain
- Illustration consists of three images:
- Cross section of an errupting vulcano with Xenophilious stone inside the center of the vulcano. There is a green tick mark next to it.
- Image of a blazing fire with Xenophilious stone in the center of the fire. There is a green tick mark next to it.
- Parf ot the image has been destroyed (there is noticeable chunk of wall missing) and there is red
mark next to the destroyed part
- Illustration of a house. Inside the house there is a cozy room with fireplace burning. In the room there is a locked chest. Inside chest sits Xenophilious stone. A bit further from the house there is humanoid figure with raised hands. Purple straight lines are coming from its hand to the guard that is cowering on the ground, being obviously in pain.
- Rooms in the temple:
- Crypt room with coffins on the side and big pile of ash in the center
- Container room with the stone stand that held metalic container containing white shards
- Room with the teleportation circle
- Flooded room with three small puddles and one big body of water (within caved in floor of the cavern)