The Great Awakening

The Trickster

experimental ranged weapon (simple, crossbow)

A wooden ranged weapon that appears to be a cross between crossbow and slingshot (cross-slingshot).

It has an additional button near the firing trigger.

The Green Round

Single round, colored green, that comes with The Trickster. When held, it feels firm and sturdy with soft texture. It is igh indestructible.

After being fired, round travels in perfect straight line with no recoil or dropoff. After it reaches end of its range, it just drops straight to the ground.

Round cannot be solely moved with magic, but it can move as a part of a collective (for example you cannot use Telekinesis to move only the round around. But if person that has the round uses Misty Step, round will teleport with him)


Fire the round from The Trickster. Shooter sees round moving from the weapon in slow motion at 10ft per second, while everyone else will see it moving at 200ft per second.

Now shooter needs to decide to either just let the round travel forward and hit whatever is in front of it (make an attack roll) or to use bonus action to press the button while round is traveling.

Throw the round If you do not hold The Trickster, you can pickup the round from the ground and throw it to the person that holds The Trickster. That person can use its reaction to make DC (9 + distance between them in ft / 10) acrobatics skill check. On success, he catches the round and reloads the trickster.

Bonus Actions

Reload Pick the round from the ground and load it into The Trickster

Swap Usable while the round is in motion after being shot from the weapon. You press additional button on the weapon. Orange glowing sphere with 5ft diameter appears around the weapon and around the round. Every creature and every object not firmly attached that touches any of the two spheres (including the shooter and the round) swap position from one sphere to another.

After swap, round falls to the ground on the other side, faintly glowing for few seconds.

If there is not enough space for the swap to occur (due to unmovable objects), swap does not happen and the weapon overheats, inflicting 1d10 fire damage on the shooter. Round falls to the ground at the target position.