The Great Awakening

Grappling Hand

A magical artificial hand with grappling hook attached to it



Target any creature or object. Pointy hook launches towards the target from the top of your forearm, followed by a mithril chain. Make an attack roll. On success, hook hits the target and makes 1d8 piercing damage. Target is now hooked.

On failed attack, hook misses and lands on the floor near the target. You have to reel it in before you can attempt to launch again.

You can launch the hook with slower speed (for example, when targeting friendly creature). Your hook will not deal any damage, but you have to make an attack roll with disadvantage.

Spin Around

Attempt to spin around with hook still attached on your target. Both you and your target make a strength check, If your check is equal or higher than target’s, you can perform the spin.

Target moves up to 90 degrees into either direction (with you as the center). Target takes 2d6 percing damage. If target hits anything while rotating, it stops while both target and hit object/creature take additional 1d8 bludgeoning damage. If chain hits anything during rotation, spinning stops.


Boost Range

1st level transmutation spell
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: S
Duration: 60 seconds

Touch your grappling hand, which starts to glow with white-blue light. Until the spell ends, range of the grappling hand increases by 20ft.

When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, range increases by 10ft for each slot level above 1st.

Bonus Actions

Pull Target

Attempt to pull hooked target towards yourself. Both you and your target make a strength check. If your check is equal or higher than target’s, you can pull the target towards yourself for any distance from 5ft up to full range of the chain. If you fail the check, you automatically perform Pull yourself action.

Target can voluntarily decide to not hold back when you pull it, making you automatically win strength check.

Pull yourself

Pull yourself towards the hooked target for any distance from 5ft up to full range of the chain.

Reel hook back in

Detach the hook (if necessary) and reel the chain back into your arm.