The Great Awakening

Gliding Squirrel

Tiny beast

Armor Class: 15
Hit Points: 3
Speed: 30ft
Climbing Speed: 30ft

3 (-3) 16 (+3) 8 (-1) 2 (-4) 12 (+1) 3 (-4)
- Skills Perception +3 Stealth +5
- Passive Perception 13
Keen Hearing and Smell The squirel has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.

Glide When jumping from a tree or other high point, the squirrel gains a flying speed of 40ft until it lands. At the end of each of its turns, its altitude drops by 5 ft. On every turn it must fly at least 30ft horizontally, otherwise it falls to the ground at the end of its non-moving turn. Squirrel cannot dash when flying, but it can reach higher speed if pushed by wind.

Wing outstretching When falling, gliding squirrel can use its reaction to outstretch its “wings” to slow down and take zero fall damage.

Nimble Squirrel is small and very hard to hit when moving fast. If squirrel moves at least 30ft from its position at the start of the turn, it gains +2 AC until the start of its next turn. If squirrel moves at least 50ft from its position at the start of the turn, it ganins additional +3 AC until the start of its next turn.


Grab Grab an item and hold it in your tiny squirrel hands. You have half speed until you drop that item and you canot climb. Use bonus action to let go.

Bite Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 1 piercing damage.

Handler’s Activities

Grab out of coat/cloak (Action)

Grab squireel out of your coat. If this is mid-combat, roll the initiave for the squirrel now.

Put him back into coat/cloak (Bonus Action)

Put squirrel back into your coat. Remove Squirrel from initiative. You have disadvantage on stealth until squirrel is inside coat.